万圣节的由来英文简短100个词 带翻译 | 左养右学颂强-k8凯发版官网

the story of万圣节

万圣节, also known as all hallow\’s eve, is an important holiday in the united states and many other countries around the world. it is celebrated on the last day of autumn, usually on the 10th day of the month.

the origins of万圣节 are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that it originated from a belief that the spirits of the dead would come to the earth during the winter months to seek their rest. in the middle ages, people would dress up in costumes to honor the spirits and to驱走 evil spirits.

over time, the holiday became associated with the horror movie genre, and the idea of \”h万圣节\” or \”all hallow\’s eve\” became a way to celebrate the holiday without directly acknowledging the spirits.

today,万圣节 is a time for families to come together, enjoy haunted houses, costume parties, and other traditions. it is also a time for people to reflect on the meaning of the holiday and to remember the importance of kindness, charity, and community.

in conclusion, the history of万圣节 is a rich and complex one, with roots that go back to ancient times. it is a holiday that is celebrated with joy, imagination, and creativity, and it has become an important part of many people\’s cultural heritage.

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上一篇 2024年4月3日 下午7:34
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